I've been wanting to write a blog about this for the longest time. Its a topic that I've struggled to understand why other people think its okay to be rude? I have been raised to keep quiet if I have nothing nice to say, especially telling the person upfront, there's a difference between been taklesa and having no manners all. Sorry to say but this is a thing our filipino culture has been struggling with and I wish to change.
Pictures were taken during ASAP, during this time I was told mataba or tumataba nako and was asked to diet..
For the past 4 years weight has been a struggle for me, I've eaten the same things I have been eating kahit nun payat ako, but somehow my weight has gotten the best of me. I have spent so much money on machines and diets that haven't worked. Ive spent hour in the gym and could hardly walk but still I wasn't losing weight. Imagine nun payat ako pinapakain ako para tumaba, I wasn't allowed to leave the dinner table unless I finished my food and even sa taping ko, hindi mag reresume until I eat all my food. Pag pay at gusto patabain, pay mataba gusto papaya tin? pay kulot gusto straight, pay straight gusto kulot, away! This world! can we be accepted for who we really are?
Did it ever cross peoples minds that I just had a baby 5 months ago and I have lost 25lbs? But no one acknowledges this, all i hear is she's fat? Sayang ka naman? Bakit nagging sayang? This no longer bother me being called fat, but what bothers me is the manners of the people around us, they way others treat you, with no respect. Why do we have to be this way towards others? Naiisip ba ng bang tao un sinasabi nila before they say something? Or di na sila nag iisip at all, para lang may masabi sila? I really don't understand this matter. In my case they say I'm a public figure and people have the right to judge me. I sa NO! You do not, just like I am not allowed to say anything bad about you. I pray one day people will boost each other up instead of bringing each other down. Bullying never got anyone anywhere.
Never naman ako un pinakapayat, I never wanted to be the skinny one, I was okay with how I was. Each and every person is different, and for me I was happy with myself, but with all the things I heard, and what people were telling me on a day to day basis, I actually started to believe I was fat, and it took a toll on me, I started to eat more, I started to be depressed about my weight, but when I look back at photos of me before, I can say I wasn't Fat, why would people be so cruel, I wasn't skinny but i was FAT. Certain shows turned me down because of it, other shows tinaggal ako, and also endorsements. For me though I dint take it personally, ganun talaga ang industry ng showbiz. although I think setting a good example to the younger generation is more important that our appearances. Words no longer hurt, but peoples actions do.
Let me know yor thoughts on this.